If you, or someone you know, is in need of assistance with rent, utilities, etc. please call 479-696-9361.
The St. Stephen Benevolent Conference (SSBC) is a chapter of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We are dedicated to serving our neighbors in need through the generous contributions of our parishioners. We help people in the Bentonville, Bella Vista, Cave Springs and Centerton areas with food, rent, utilities and other emergency financial assistance.
SSBC members witness God’s love by sharing time, talent and treasure with those who need help and hope. We believe service to a neighbor in need is an encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ.
We meet regularly for prayer to nourish a spirit of poverty, humility and sharing. If you would like to become a member, please email ssbcpres@gmail.com.
You can donate to SSBC through our PayPal link below. You can also give to our Poor Boxes throughout the church.